ENG 51901 Master Student English

Fall 2023

Instructor:   Dr. Shu-Ju Diana Tai

Email: shujutai@gmail.com

WeChat: DianaTai_2015

Office: 507, East Campus Library 5F



This course is designed to assist students in developing integrated communication skills in English, including listening, speaking, reading and writing. In addition, the PBLL (Project Based Language Learning) approach would be incorporated, where an articulated series of activities are motivated by real-world needs and driven by the learners’ interests and major, with a common goal to improve learners’ communicative competence in the target language through the construction of products. That is, in addition to enhancing students’ English competencies, they are allowed the opportunity to practice and develop their 21st Century skills, including critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, and intercultural communication, through the activities and tasks, individually and collaboratively, through identifying problems, searching for information, and presenting the solutions.
At the end of this course, students are expected to have learned to
  • communicate effectively in English in academic, professional, and civic contexts;
  • research and work collaboratively;
  • communicate with peers, negotiate for meaning, as well as voice yourself and convince/persuade your peers;
  • honor the academic integrity in citations and references;
  • use technology and resources to enhance their learning.
  • read and analyze information, textually and visually, critically;
  • use critical thinking and organization skills when reading and preparing texts for a range of audiences, contexts, and purposes;
  • be effective readers and writers who can adapt their writing to current digital formats and changing conventions in their fields;
  • grow, develop, and apply the 21st century successful skills, including critical thinking, collaboration, creativity, and intercultural communication;
  • become lifelong learners who will continue to read widely, practice and improve their English in the real life and the academic field.